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Is there something wrong with my safety sensors?
If your door keeps trying to close even if you put a large obstacle in its path, or if starts reversing out of seemingly no reason at all, then something could be wrong with your safety sensors. The most common issues are misalignment or dirty lenses. You should seek out professional assistance either way, as these sensors can be quite delicate.
What types of garage door springs are there?
The two main types of garage door springs are the torsion and the extension type. Extension springs stretch and contract in order to provide the necessary energy to support and pull the weight of a door. The torsion type uses a twisting motion in order to achieve the same goal. Torsion is the newer type, and it is also considered the safer option, as springs of this type are less likely to go whipping around when they snap.
Why are roll up doors perfect for small places?
It's simple. Most types of garage doors need some space in order to open properly. This is the main distinction of roll-up garage doors. They just roll up towards the ceiling, where they gather in a coil. They take up a minimal amount of space, and can, therefore, be fitted even in cramped garages.
What makes the belt drive opener the best option?
Until recently, most homeowners would prefer the chain drive opener because it was reliable, strong and cheaper than the other options. The downside was that it made a loud rattling noise. However, the modern belt drive opener offers the exact same reliability and strength, but since it uses a rubber belt instead of a chain, its operation is very silent. These types of openers can be a bit more expensive but, the difference in noise makes it worth the difference.